award baru

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hi all aq baru bikin award niey....
hahahai ini niey award'a...

the rules is...
1. put the award on your post as soon after you received this award..
2. answer the question below....
- why you choose your template now become your template?
the answer must logic
3. give 3 your friends that have cool and great templates this award by post on your blog and give your reason why you love that templates, dont forget to share them to know with send a message at cbox... enjoy my award....

aq kasih ini ke.....

  • cha"
    (templatesmu adalah templates yang mau aq pake' tapi waktu itu aq blum tahu cara ngedit'a...)
  • apienk
    (hahahai, ini aq suka soalnya ada sandak" japit bertebaran...-love Indonesian product-...)